About Us!
Howdy! I'm Cryptid, and I'm the founder of Interrobang Paranormal. Growing up, I was always fascinated by the supernatural and unexplainable. I was the kid who would always take superstition and folklore as definite truth, though I suppose that hasn't changed at all. I'm not 100% convinced a ghost haunts my school locker anymore though, haha.
For a lot of my childhood, there were ghosts I would occasionally interact with on various farms, including one we used to live at. That particular farm was crazy haunted. When I was maybe 11 or 12, I got really into ghost hunting. For my 15th birthday, I got my first EMF reader and voice recorder, and by February/March of that year, I had found my first ghost with it.
I've always been a horror fanatic, so don't be surprised if my name shows up as the artist of some analog horror project or as an actor in a horror movie in the future.